Ask Father Tony

Welcome to “Ask Father Tony”.

Feel free to post comments/questions. All will be answered right away.

Keep in mind that all comments and questions are public.

Send me an email if you would prefer to ask a private message.

230 Responses to Ask Father Tony

  1. Charlotte says:

    Father Tony,

    I was wondering where you would be speaking for Lent?

    Thank you,


  2. Curious Reader says:

    Is Fr. Tony actually the one who is answering these questions?

  3. fathertony says:

    I will indeed be answering all questions posted on this new blog system.

    Hopefully, many will be able to learn and grow from this new endeavor!

    Fr. Tony

  4. fathertony says:

    During Lent, I will be speaking in East St. Louis and in Los Angeles.

    I hope to see you there!

    Fr. Tony

  5. Nicole says:

    You came to my school about 2 weeks ago. Our lady of Mount Pleasant. Just wondering you know taht story taht you told about what god greated could you tell me all the things God created!? Please and thank-you. It would help alot!

  6. fathertony says:

    Here is the days of Creation – you can view my telling of the creation story on YouTube at

    The Creation Story

    1st Day: Le there be Light! (Boom!)

    2nd Day: Sky & Firmament

    3rd Day: Dry Land – Earth and Sea Vegetation

    4th Day: Sun, Moon and the Stars

    5th Day: Birds in the Air and Fish in the Sea

    6th Day: Animals on the Earth and Creepy Things in trees

    Man and Woman

    7th Day: REST!

  7. Charlie Agro says:

    Hi Fr. Tony, I am a religious studies teacher at Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario CANADA. I have heard you speak at a WFMP conference in Toronto and I believe you are speaking at my school next week for one of our Teacher Professional Activity days. I am looking forward to meeting you again and hearing your teaching stories.

    Peace always,

  8. fathertony says:

    I am really excited about coming back to your area. I love Canada!

    It would be nice if you could warm the place up before I get there. I was just recently in Edmonton, Canada. It was below 0 degrees for most of the time that I was there.

    I am from the South – We don’t do negative numbers down here!

    But, at least the people are warm and loving!

    I look forward to see you guys, soon.

    Fr. Tony

  9. Kimberly says:

    your the most amazing perist i have ever seen. you make my day happy.
    when you came it was the only day i acaully paid attetion in curch.
    love ya man!

  10. Marci says:

    hey, u came to our church about 2 weeks ago (O.L.P.H. Church) i really enjoyed your presentation……it was very creative, you have made me think that believing in Jesus is fun and not just something I have to do and I thank you so much…….I hope you do become a saint!!
    God Bless You Father Tony!
    Sincerely Marci!!!

  11. Nadia says:

    Dear Father Tony
    We saw you at the OLPH church about 2 weeks ago……amazing speach done by you.
    I actually paid attention and learned something from you.
    I have to say if all church was like that i would go more often.
    We all loved it and talk about your speach all the time.
    DON’T BE STUPID!!!!! I live by that moto now, its like a life-style for me now!
    Thank you so much for coming to Canada and talking to us.
    -Nadia G.

  12. Bryan says:

    Dear Father Tony,

    Hey Father Tony!!! I saw you at NCYC and you were amazing! I loved your entire…idk, presentation? (for lack of a better word)…I plan on attempting your Genesis story…do you have any better videos of it than those on Youtube? It was amazing and I want to try and bring it to my parish. Thank you and God Bless

  13. Samantha says:

    Do you have a list of where you will be speaking in 2008? I would love to bring my youth group to see/hear you again. They loved you at NCYC!

  14. fathertony says:

    Thanks for asking about my speaking engagements. Where are you guys located? I just may be speaking in your area soon.

    Fr. Tony

  15. Coby Menard says:

    Father Tony,
    I have recently seen your video on youtube and I have to say you are amazing! I work for Christ the King Catholic Church in Daphne, AL. Every year we put on a Confirmation Retreat for the eight grade Confirmation class. I was just wondering if you could possibly attend. The kids would surely love you! Please let me know and I will send you more information.

    Thank You,
    Coby Menard

  16. fathertony says:

    To Colby,

    I do indeed help out with Confirmation retreats. The key is being very creative with shceduling it. If involves my being away froim the parish for a weekend, you must schedule it way in advance (like 1 – 2 years). But, since you guys are not extremely far from New Orleans, we may be able to work out a short journey to visit you. Email me at with possible dates and times.

    Fr. Tony

  17. Evan says:

    heyy father tony its evan from st.ts in sherwoodpark alberta you came here to sherwood park
    to show your presentaion and to t6ell you the truth it was great it was so funny …..

  18. Evan says:

    anyway i really hope you come back
    it was great …..
    your the best plz come back in the future….

    thx Evan.b

  19. fathertony says:

    Hey Evan,

    Thanks for the Love!

    Even though the weather was cold, the people were warm!

    Fr. Tony

  20. Claire says:

    Father Tony,

    I met you yesterday at a school in Hamilton, Canada and wanted to thank you so much for such an impressive performance. Your message, particularly the part about any one of my students could be Jesus, was so profound. I doubt there was a teacher in the room who didn’t stop and wonder.

    You have an amazing gift and I thank you for sharing your messages with me. I am a better teacher for having heard you.

    Thanks again,


  21. Nick says:

    Dear Father
    I Was Very Impressed By Your Sermon.
    Thank You For Coming To Sherwood Park.
    I Loved Your Speech.
    I Love Church Now, I Used Too Hate Siting And Not Really Understanding What Was being Spoken About.
    I Now Understand my plan on this earth.
    Love Nicholas W. J.

  22. adam says:

    Dear Father,

    I loved your presentation in sherwood park alberta.
    It was very interesting. I loved your methods. It was waaaay
    better than a normal presentation. I really understood all your messages.

  23. Connor w. says:

    Hello Father Tony,
    i was just overwhelmed by your presentation.
    Thank you sooo much for coming to sherwood park and edmonton.
    You were so funny, the greatest priest/father i’ve ever seen.
    I’d love it so much if you’d come again. I had a wonderful time.
    I especially liked the chicken/bird story and i learned not to be STUPID.
    You learned that from your momma.

  24. hey i hope u can come back to our school. Our school relly loved you.
    thanx brett v

  25. adam says:

    I loved the presentation,
    Thank you so much for coming.
    i hope to see you again soon.

  26. Brendan says:

    Hey wats up father Tony.

    What is being a preist like?
    Can anyone be a saint or a preist?

  27. fathertony says:

    First, thanks to everyone from Sherwood Park. I really loved being with you guys up there in the WARM parts of Canada. May God Continue to Bless you all.

    Being a Priest is balst. I get the chance to help others realize just hope much God loves us! Also, I get a chance to meet a lot of people.

    Anyone can be a Saint. In fact, I pray that everyone becomes a Saint in Heaven. All you have to do is ….Do Your Best to Know Him, Love Him and Serve Him.

    As to becoming a priest, the priesthood is open to all men who are called by God to a deep level of service as an ordained minister. You don’t have to be a Saint to be a priest. You just have to be open to allowing God to use your gifts and talents to help build up His Kingdom on earth.

    Indeed, God is calling all of us to serve him in special ways. Hopefully, one day, many more will join me as priests, deacons, brothers and sisters.

    Fr. Tony

  28. Marcus Jones says:

    hey, Father visited St.Johns in Brantford,On. Its the boy you gave the neckles to. I really do want to thank you again, it’s a real blessing to recieve this from a man like you.

    God Bless,
    and i hope to see you again 1 day, maybe give me some dates of when your near buffalo or brantford, and i would love to attend another 1 of your masses

    Marcus Jones

  29. Marcus Jones says:

    When you do get the dates please email me at If you can :). Im still getting used to this stuff

    God Bless You,
    Marcus Jones

  30. fathertony says:


    Thank you for the energy that you brought to today’s Mass. For some reason, God told me that you were the one who deserved a special gift. That’s why I handed you my Benedictine Cross. It is a special Cross.

    If I am every up this way again, I promise that I will let you know.

    Fr. Tony

  31. Jenniesha says:

    Hello Father Tony,

    I was at the mass today at St.Jonh`s Collage in Brantford,Ont Canada.
    I am speaking on behalf of my class mates when i say we VERY much enjoyed that mass.We never knew mass could be that much fun! We VERY much would appreciate if you came back some time soon thank you very much!!

    The Grade 8 Students of Our Lady Of Providence!

  32. student says:

    Hi Father Tony… I was just wondering, you were in Brantford Ontario today at St. johns College talking to a bunch of schools and I was there. I was just wondering, you talked a bit about a ‘moral sin’, I was just wondering if you could give me a better description on what that was because you said if someone commited a moral sin, they would burn in hell.

  33. fathertony says:

    I am so glad that you asked about “Mortal sins.”

    Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter. (It is very serious.)

    Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner. (You know that what you are doing is a sin.)

    Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner. (No one is forcing you into committing that sin.)

    This means that mortal sins cannot be done “accidentally.” A person who commits a mortal sin is one who knows that their sin is wrong, but still deliberately commits the sin anyway. This means that mortal sins are “premeditated” by the sinner and thus are truly a rejection of God’s law and love.

    When we commit mortal sins, we are no longer in a state of God’s grace. In a very real way, we choose to remove our selves from that grace.

    The sacrament of Penance is God’s way of forgiving our sins and restoring us to that blessed state of grace.

    A person who commits a Mortal Sin and chooses not to confess that sin risks not going to heaven.

    I hope that this helps you understand how much God loves us and calls us to do our best not to fall into the traps of sin and temptation.

    Fr. Tony

  34. Jenniesha says:

    Hello Father Tony,

    I was at your mass today at St.Jonh`s Collage in Brantford,Ont Canada.
    I am speaking on behalf of my class mates when i say we VERY much enjoyed that mass.We never knew mass could be that much fun! We VERY much would appreciate if you came back some time soon thank you very much!!

    The Grade 8 Students of Our Lady Of Providence!

  35. morgan says:

    dear fr tony,

    you can to st johns and told us the story of the man who killed the eagle and about the 2 littler ones thinkin they were chickens i really loved that story i was havein a bad time and u made me smile i was upset because my 2 old schools were ther and they were acting like i was a germ. i hope you do come back and ill remember to not be stupid as long as u do to.ill write again if u write to me.


    ps i love the stick im thinkin of makin one for my grandpa he cold use it as a cool new walking stck

  36. Brianna says:

    you came to Brantford today and i was wondering if I could get the story about Turk and his brother please!

  37. fathertony says:

    The story is called “The Eagle Story.” It comes from the country of Ghana.

    It is wat too long for me to put it in this space. Please email me at and I will try to send it to you.

    Fr. Tony

  38. Sarah says:

    first I’d just like to say,
    i was at holy trinity today at your sermon and i would just like to say that as soon as we left the school everyone was talking about how great you are.
    I think you deffinetly reached a lot of people.
    Also I just have a question,
    is it possible ask you for advice,
    say, if someone wanted to confess their sins to you, but they don’t live near you, how could they do it?

  39. fathertony says:

    The Sacrament of Penance cannot be celebrating via the telephone or on the internet. It has to be celebrated in person.

    I would encourage you to find a priest in your area with whom you are comfortable.

    Don’t be scared.

    God loves yuo so much. So, in the words of Nike – “Just Do It!”

    Fr. Tony

  40. Sarah Hallett says:

    Hey father

    I saw you today at St. Johns college in brantford. You were amazing and funny and hipp and thanks you for not being boarding and for helping me understand and answering some of my questions. I was wondering about the dont be stupid bracelets how can i get one for free? 🙂 well god bless hope to run into you in the next few years.

    Sarah hallett

  41. fathertony says:

    LOL…..If you would have walked up and asked me for one, you could have gotten one for free!

    Now, the only way to get one for free is to convince your Mom, Dad or Teacher to order you one.

    Have a great day and remember…..

    Don’t Be Stupid!

    Fr. Tony

  42. Hey, Father Tony, You were at Holy Trinity in Simco, Ontario, Canada today, Your mass was AMAZING, Everyone in my school thinks so too (Notre Dame, Caledonia). I’m just wondering when you are going to be doing a mass (for the public) in Southern Ontario, Canada.

    Your the best Prist ever!!

  43. fathertony says:

    Thanks for the great comments and love.

    Unfortunately, my schedule does not have me coming back to celebrate Mass any time soon.

    But, who knows what the future holds.

    Have as great day!

    Fr. Tony

  44. Jack says:

    Heeey father!,
    I saw you today at St.Johns in Brantford. You were soooo funny. I LOVED THE EAGLE STORY!

    Dont worry … I AM AN EAGLE!

  45. fathertony says:

    Hey Jack!

    Keep flying, Dude!

    Keep Flying!

    Fr. Tony

  46. holli says:

    hi, i just had a mass at holy trinity by you today you were awsome, will you tell me where i can get a “DONT BE STUPID” bracelett, and will you give me the chicken story…, I LOVED IT.. my mommas a chicken my dadds a chicken i live on a chicken farm i eat chicken food,,, im tellin you IM A CHICKEN. I LOVE IT!!! i hope i can be part of another one of your masses soon well gotta go hope to hear from you

  47. tiana says:

    HEY father tony. you came to holy trinity today. that was the best mass i have EVER been too. you really opened my heart to god. THANK-YOU SO MUCH! if u ever come back around this way i will do all i can to see you speak again. im a public speaker my self and i look up to peopl like you. thanks again!

    Don’t be stupid! (i told my mom that one. she died laughing)

    peace out,
    father tony

  48. kiana says:

    Dear Father Tony,
    Thank-you for a wonderful mass! My class extremely enjoyed your service. You were really great and we wish to see you again soon. Yes I know this is for me to ask you something but I thought to uses it in a different way and say Thank-you! I love your three words of wisdom “Don’t Be Stupid” and you are very write. I love how you got everyone involved today (Thursday, January 31, 2008 at Holy Trinity, Simcoe). Keep up your good work and come back to us cold folks hear in Ontario.

    Thanks again.

  49. Garett says:

    Dear Father Tony,
    I am hear in Alberta
    And I really enjoyed your talk
    I live by your philosiphies now.
    Thank You For Inspirirng Me.

  50. Steven says:

    Father Tony
    Your mass was AMAZING and so funny I was almost in tears! You spoke to my school at Holy Trinity -I go to Our Lady Of LaSalette. I was telling my Mom about the chicken story and the Don’t Be Stupid….you said you think about would you do it if your mother was there and I laughed because my Mom just said recently forget WWJD, would I do it if she was staring at me. Two wise women!!!
    I was wondering how does mom order the bracelets if she wants to? I will beg!
    We also would be interested in the chicken story too.
    Good thing you left Canada before the deep freeze! Thank you for sharing your faith with us-it was cool!!!!!!!!!Come back real soon (I am going to ask Mrs. Gillispie about getting you up for confirmation)
    your friend Steven Heemskerk

  51. fathertony says:

    Good Morning,

    FYI – I did not leave before the Winter Storm hit. I am stuck here in a Brantford, ON, Hotel. I was scheduled to do the professional day for the teachers in this area. I was cancelled. So, I am here…..and FREEZING!

    You sound like you have a very wise Mom! I like her, already!

    The Don’t Be stupid” wristbands can be ordered at in the online bookstore.

    Also, the eagle story is pretty long. But, I will try to post it on my site in the homily section.

    I hope to come back soon……WHEN IT IS NOT SNOWING!!!!!!!!

    Fr. Tony

  52. Steven says:

    Father Tony
    Mom does not trust pay pal, is there an address to order and pay for bracelets?

  53. fathertony says:

    The only way to order a band without using the sight is to send the order to me at

    Fr. R. Tony Ricard
    KnightTime Ministries
    1835 Saint Roch Avenue
    New Orleans, LA 70117

    She needs to add $7 to the price of the bands for shipping.

    Fr. Tony

  54. Shyanne says:

    Heyy Father Tony! I was at your Mass celebration yesterday at Holy Trinity, and I just wanted to say that it was amazing! You are sooooooo funny, and really got through to alot of the kids, and it was just THE BEST Mass I have ever been too. Thank you very much for visiting us all! =)

  55. sheldon says:

    hey fr.tony i was at your mass yesterday and I am an alter server and that was one of the best masses i have ever been 2 and my freind said 2 me if the masses at the church he go’s 2 were like the one you have provided that he would go 2 church every day and if you could email me the eagle story that would be grately apresheated

    thank you very much for makeing mass fun :+)

  56. student says:

    Hi Father Tony. I have already asked you something previous to this but, i was wondering, i looked at your “online store” and saw the books that you haev written. I noticed one of the books says Hurricane Katrina survivor… i was wondering if it was hard to survive the storm, and what measures you had to go to. i tihnk it is wonderful that you are still trucking around country to country telling people wonderful things.
    P.S. Did your church get destroyed?? I hope not because i looked in your photo gallery and Our Lady Of The Sea Church is BEAUTIFUL. I loved your presentation yeterday in Brantford at St. Johns and i was also wondering when you might be coming back in the area.

    Thank you and God Bless

  57. student says:

    oooppss sorry it’s Our Lady Star Of The Sea Church


  58. sheldon says:

    hey fr. tony we have just moved into brantford and my mom wanted to know if you are ever in the area could you bless our home? if you could send me an email to steve 3019@ i have told my mom about the mass at st.jhons and she said she wished she was there

  59. student says:


  60. chris weston says:

    hey father tony u just spoke at st johns college on thursday jan 31 and it was the best mass ever. i liked your way of getting us active and the story of the man trying to catch an eagle and then he got the eagle eggs. what was the name of the one baby eagle again i forget. and i really like the boble head of yourself i am going to ask my parents for one. where do u get a bobble head of yourself made anyways i would like to get one of me. thx and i hope to see you again

    your biggest fan Chris Weston.

  61. fathertony says:


    You have to be a Big Dog to get your own Bobble Head….(LOL)

    It cost a good bit to get it done. It’s not economical for someone who wants just one or two of them.

    Fr. Tony

  62. GAbriella says:

    I love your story about the chickens/eagles. My and my friends from a differant school saw you the same day at differant times. I love how you make alot of the jokes for our age group and that they arn’t too old or too younge. Alot of people try to get us to laugh mut they fail. I pray that all priests have the same talents as you.

    Peace out


  63. fathertony says:


    Believe it or not, all priests do have talents. we all bring something to the table.

    Some are good prayers.
    Some play the piano or guitar.
    Some are great artists.
    Some are good businessmen.

    I just can tell a good story ot two.

    When you bring us all together, you get a pretty good set of Disciples of the Lord.

    I love being a part of this great group of men!

    Fr. Tony

  64. student from olop says:

    Hi Father Tony. I have already asked you something previous to this but, i was wondering, i looked at your “online store” and saw the books that you haev written. I noticed one of the books says Hurricane Katrina survivor… i was wondering if it was hard to survive the storm, and what measures you had to go to. i tihnk it is wonderful that you are still trucking around country to country telling people wonderful things.
    P.S. Did your church get destroyed?? I hope not because i looked in your photo gallery and Our Lady Of The Sea Church is BEAUTIFUL. I loved your presentation yeterday in Brantford at St. Johns and i was also wondering when you might be coming back in the area.

    Thank you and God Bless

  65. student from olop says:

    oooppss sorry it’s Our Lady Star Of The Sea Church


  66. sheldon says:

    hey father tony could you tell me about the eagel story again i thought it was a good one and u were right rate after the mass i wiped out my cell phone and told my mom i am a alter server and that was the best mass i have ever bean at and i am also thinking of buying a boble head and a pare of the sun glasses

    peace out sheldon !+)

  67. Katie A says:

    I do not have a question i just want to say that i saw you at NCYC in Ohio and you are amazing!

  68. Cathy says:

    Father Tony

    You were just recently at Holy Trinity and i thought you were really good, the eagle story was the bomb !

    thank you

  69. fathertony says:

    I really enjoyed being at Holy Trinity. I really love the HT Hat that the principal gave me. I wore it home on the plane. It matches my outfit! LOL.

    Have a Great Day!

    Fr. Tony

  70. Jordan says:

    Hey father tony,

    Theres this thing going around about 2012 the end of days. Do you think the world will end on this year?

    Part 1

    Part 2

  71. fathertony says:

    Although we do not know the time oru hour when Jesus will return and the world will end, I wouldn’t be worried about the world ending.

    Folks hae been preaching doom for many years.

    Back in 1999, we were being told that the world would end when the clock struck Midnight on New Years Day!

    The world didn’t end. In fact, we didn’t even have a big fight with the Y2K bug.

    So, don’t worry about the end of the world.

    Just be ready, spiritually and emotionally, in case Jesus comes back to bring us to heaven!

    Fr. Tony

  72. Mahira says:

    Father Tony,
    My firend is having a really hard time believing in God because of issues at home. I attended a mass you gave at Holy Trinity High a little while ago and I really wwish she had been there to see you speak. I don’t want her to “bust her head on a rock” (story about the eagles). How can I help her find her faith again?

  73. Anthony says:

    Father Tony whats happenin? I was at you mass @ ST. Johns college in brantford ontario and it was no doubt one of the best sermons i’ve ever heard! you should definitley come back to brantford everyone here would greatly appreciate it. i was looking at some students post and its AWSOME all the stong christians remarks! any of you saint-wanna-bees want ta add me feel free eh “DON’T BE STUPID” -add me

  74. Anthony says:

    Father Tony whats happenin? I was at you mass @ ST. Johns college in brantford ontario and it was no doubt one of the best sermons i’ve ever heard! you should definitley come back to brantford everyone here would greatly appreciate it. i was looking at some students post and its AWSOME all the stong christians remarks! any of you saint-wanna-bees want ta add me feel free eh “DON’T BE STUPID” – by the way sick boble head!!

  75. Amoni says:

    I go to sister thea bowman school and my question is are you married.

  76. Sharrika says:

    Hay Father Tony, I came to your revival at my friend church and I thought you were a amazing. You are one of the funniest pastors I know. You were also at my school ( Sr.Thea Bowman). there was a Question I never got to ask. What do you do on your spare time? What do you do for fun. thanks. 1. Remember who you belong to
    2. Dont be stupid. thanks for tellin me that I keep it in my mind 24/7. Bye.

  77. april says:

    when you came to East St. Louis we really enjoyed you i wish you could come back and visit us again!!!! Would you please and thank you!

  78. Matt says:

    Father Tony.
    Thank you very much for coming to Sherwood Park, it was great!! I learned a lot of stuff that I hope I can carry with me forever. I loved getting to have such an amazing experience.

    Thank you,

  79. Kenna Carlisle says:

    Father Tony,
    I heard you speak at the church in E St. Louis and i really liked what you were saying. You was speaking on a teenagers level and I admire that. I was one of the girls in the Althoff Gospel Choir. I would like to hear you speak so is there a way that you can talk to Fr. Ferd and you can come back just one more time because I really enjoyed myself! Our gospel choir is having a concert in March maybe you can talk to Fr. Ferd and you can come then. Hope you think about this message. I love you Fr. Tony.

    P.S. The chicken story was awesome. My mama was a chicken, my daddy was a chicken, I live on a chicken, I do chicken things, I eat chicken food I’m a chicken! Fr. Tony Don’t Be Stupid!!!

    Thank you and God bless,


  80. Donna says:

    Dear Father Tony,

    One of my daughters recently heard you at Cabrini High School. She is very excited about the idea of our family coming to your 10:30 mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea for mass and to hear your homily. I felt blessed to have attended a mass last year at the Cabrini chapel during the Mother Cabrini novena where your parish gospel singers were present. So, I am planning for my family (my husband, 2 teenage daughters, and I) to attend this Sunday. I am hoping you will be there and can confirm if you will be celebrating mass, and at which mass time. My husband is a little fearful of the area, so I’ll be saying a few extra prayers to get us there together.

    Thank you for your ministry.


  81. claire weston says:

    thanks for your presentation in brantford, at st johns. it was the best thing ive ever seen. your so cool aha, your great man. hope you come around some time soon ! 🙂

  82. taylor says:

    Father Tony,
    I am a student at Mount Carmel Academy and i loved you homily at the multicultural mass today! I am attending Abby Youth Fest on March the 8th and i was wondering if you we one of hte speakers that will be talking there. I am not sure if you have done them in the past, for this is my first time going to this event!
    Thanks for spreading the word!

  83. CINDY says:

    hey father tony.
    you just came to my school today!
    (mount carmel academy)
    you are realllyyy cool!
    hope to see you again soon!

  84. lyndsey says:

    Hey Father Tony,
    Thank you so much for coming to speak at my school today for mass. You had an amazing personality and helped all of us realize the effects of being ‘stupid.’ I hope you come back again! Take care and God bless.

  85. Hannah says:

    Hi Father,

    thanks for presiding at mount carmel academy today….you were completely awesome and u have inspired me to stay “where im from”. im a chicken who is just about to believe she is an eagle and your homily just pushed me to the place where I actually believe in myself. Please come back and preside at our masses because you do not move on until u are satisfied that God hears all of us.

    God Bless,

  86. jesse says:

    Hey fr. Tony its wornhead from St.Augustine just wnted to tell you thank again for the cross. I also wanted to know when the next time you will be comin down.

  87. fathertony says:

    Sup, Wormhead!

    Thanks for writing to me. I hope that you realize what a blessing you are as you minister to the parish through your gift of dance.

    Don’t ever allow anyone to talk you out of doing what you enjoy (especially when you are doing it for the Lord).

    Right now, I do not have anything scheduled for East St. Louis. But, hopefully, I will be coming back one day.

    Say Hello to Fr. Ferd for me!

    Fr. Tony

  88. Ed MacIntosh says:

    Hey Fr. Tony,

    What is the name of the song and artist you use on your website?



  89. fathertony says:

    The name of the song on my website is “I’ll Take You There” by BeBe and Cece Winans

    Fr. Tony

  90. Anthony says:

    Dear Father Tony,
    My name is Anthony E. from Christ Prince of Peace parish at Hill AFB, Utah. I met you yesterday at the RE Congress Mass(you personally gave me your “Don’t Be Stupid” bracelet). I would just like to let you know that you truly touched my heart and helped me re-open my eyes to reality and realize my priorities. I’ve never met someone who is as inspiring as you, you most definately have made an impact in my life and changed my perception of my faith. I hope one day I will have the pleasure of meeting you again. But until then, I wish you the best of everything. Take care and God bless!!!

  91. fathertony says:


    Thank you for ministering to me on yeasterday. Through you, God reaffirmed my ministry and the reason why I do as much as I do.

    The Holy spirit is sooooooo powerful. When the Spirit hits ya, it is hard to control it.

    Yesterday, you indeed were slain in the Spirit. It is something that cannot be explained. The power fo the Lord just took you to a place that you had never imagined that you could go.

    I pray that the Lord will indeed continue to touch your heart. You are destined to greatness!

    Fr. Tony

  92. Lorraine says:

    Dear Father Tony, I spoke to you after the Jazz liturgy in Anaheim Friday…I asked you where you were on youth day because my confirmation classes were asking for you!!! I will be writing how much they wanted you there on my evaluation!!! I teach kindergarten and confirmationII at St. Francis de Sales in Riverside, California. Father I also have four teenagers and one eleven year old of my own. Please pray for them especially my fourteen year old he hates going to catechism and church, he says it boring…he needs to see you! His name is Henry. Next year he will going to youth day I hope you will be there!!! Thank you and God Bless you!!!

  93. fathertony says:

    Often Young Folk say Church is boring because they are not involved in any of the ministries or groups. I’d suggest to him that he try being involved in smething. Maybe he could be an Usher. They are alwasy up doing something. so, they don’t have time to get bored!

    There are no Boring churches; just Boring people.

    If you are Bored in chruch, it might not be the church.

    It just might be YOU! 🙂

    Fr. Tony

  94. Terri says:

    Hi Father Tony,
    I am Terri V., from the Bay Area, (Fremont, CA) I am a mother of 4 beautiful boys, 29, 28, 23 and yes 14! (What was I thinking)? 5 boys counting my husband! I just saw you for the first time yesterday, February 29, 2008 at the LA Congress. What an amazing celebration of the Mass. You brought Jesus closer to my heart and brought tears of joy to my eyes. I was in such awe of all the different people there. My husband is going to be ordained a Deacon in the Oakland Diocese at the end of this year. We have been traveling on a journey that could never have been imagined. It is a permanent life change. It’s getting closer now and a little unsettling. After attending this LA Congress I feel so firm in our decision. Keep us in your prayers. Do you think you will ever come to the Bay Area? You can find us in the front row seat! Your faith in Jesus is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your love for Jesus with us. God Bless You!

  95. fathertony says:


    Congratualtions on your husband’s up coming Deaconate Ordination. I know that it has been a long journey you him and for you, too. I pray that your family is super blessed by your collective ministry!

    I am scheduled to be in the Bay Area in a few months. However, I am away from my Calendar and can’t remember the date. So, email me next week and I can tell you when and where I will be up there.

    Have a blessed day!

    Fr. Tony

  96. Hey Fr. Tony,
    You did it again! I was so “Jazzed” to see hear you speak at the LA RE Congress this past weekend. My mom became a huge fan of the “Ora a Tony” too!! We promptly bought ourselves “Don’t Be Stupid!” bracelets.
    I mentioned to your lovely exhibitor that another great shirt idea (and my mom and I will be the first to buy it) is “Jesus Gave Me My Swagga'”
    Thank you and God Love you.
    It would be great if you could come out to California and talk to our Confirmation kids…I just have to check with the “boss”. =)

  97. fathertony says:

    Thanks for the Love!

    KI am definitley going to think about a “Jesus Gave Me My swagger” T-Shirt.

    This might be the start of a whole new loine of stuff.

    Have a great day!

    Fr. Tony

  98. Susie says:

    Dear Fr. Tony,

    I have been interpreting for the deaf at RE Congress for 3 years now, and I always enjoy getting the opportunity to interpret your mass, workshops, anything! This is the first time I’ve gotten to hear and interpret the Creation Story, and I had SOOOOO much fun! Next time I want to stand behind you while I am signing, though, so I can see your facial expressions and body movements 🙂 I’ll work on my New Orleans accent for next year, but my Texas accent is pretty strong, even in sign language. I think I have your “sass” down pretty well though by now, hehehe.

    Thanks for the hug and for the ministry you do for/with all of us. I always leave your presence renewed in my Catholic and Christian faith, and affirmed that my ministry to the deaf is where I belong. When you publish that Discipleship for Dummies book, I’d like my own personally autographed copy!

    God Bless You,

    Susie from Fort Worth TX
    Interpreter for the Deaf

  99. fathertony says:

    I really enjoyed having you sign at my session. I am glad that you and the Deaf community really enjoyed my presentation. i would also like to see you guys sitting in the front row and not off to the side. The Deaf Folks missed a lot while they were “listening” to you interpret for them. They couldn’t see my facial expressions and stuff like that.

    You did a reat job with keeping up with my “New orleans” accent!

    Fr. Tony

  100. Lisa K. says:

    Hi Father Tony,

    I attended RE Congress this year for the first time. I have a daughter who is 16 and a son who is 14 and I was able to attend as a chaperone with our Life Teen group from St. Catherine’s in Morgan Hill, CA. We attended the Jazz Mass on Friday. It was amazing to celebrate mass and come out feeling blessed to be surrounded by so many Catholics who, as the kids said, “were so into it”. Thank you for being so inspiring. I would like to know if the sermon you gave is on video? We would love to share your talk with some of the other teens who weren’t able to attend. Our Youth Minister bought 100 of your “Don’t Be Stupid” bracelets to share your story.

    If you could also let us know when you will be in the Bay Area. I know we’ll be there to see you.

    We are sure to see you next year – Hopefully at Youth Day. As my son is saying…. “RE Congress was so awesome, I’m going every year from now on”.

    May God bless you and keep you spreading the spirit.

    Lisa K.

  101. pamela says:

    hey father well i meet u in congress i was the one that shook ur hand, i was sick
    and you put handsanitizer….. that was funny

    well im going today to hear you speack at M.I. in san fernando



  102. Victoria says:

    Hi Father Tony,

    Last weekend was the second time I’ve seen you at the LA Congress. I saw you last year and was totally blown away! The neat thing is that I was able to bring home a copy of the session you did for my two teenage girls and they were so excited! They love listening to you talk. I plan on getting your DVD’s for our parish confirmation/ youth group (I’m DRE for Our Lady of Guadalupe in Hermosa Beach, CA) because my older daughter was so excited that she gave them a preview with the session CD, and they loved you (Of Course!) I am anxiously awaiting the eagle story publication because I can’t ‘do’ it right! Will you be attending the LA Congress again next year? It would be great if you could make the Youth Day. I would love to get the Confirmation/Youth group (and my girls) to be able to see you! My kids (and I) are wearing the bracelets!

  103. fathertony says:

    As best as I can know, I will be back next year for Congress. I thoroughly enjoy being a part of this wonderful event.

    Thanks for the love and support.

    Fr. Tony

  104. June says:

    Fr. Tony, it’s was a pleasure viewing your website. I’m not Catholic but a friend at work shared pictures from the LA Congress this past weekend and gave me your website as we often share spiritual beliefs. I visited a friend’s Parish a few years ago, he’s an Arch Bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church. I’m wondering what is the difference between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, or the Orthodox church (and forgive me if the terms are incorrect)?

  105. fathertony says:

    There are many things that set the Roman Catholic Church apart from the Eastern Orthodox Church.

    I would suggest that you visit the follow sites for a more indepth discussion of the differences.

    Fr. Tony

  106. Annette Amparano says:

    Hi Father Tony,

    I attended your workshop this past weekend in Los Angeles. I just wanted to say that you made knowing and loving my catholic faith awhole different experience. I was to hyped after your class that I can hardly wait to share with my CCD class that I teach. I offer prayer for you and your parish, and that our Lord continues to bless you for you are truley one of the many in the Royal Priesthood.

    Your sista in Christ, Annette – Parish Admin. St. Agnes Mission Church Fresno CA.

  107. Rebeca says:

    I want to thank you for being such a great speaker!! I first saw you when I participated in Youth Day-Anaheim and since then it is a MUST to be in your workshops here at the RE Congress-Anaheim . Too often, we tend to become passive with our religion and participation in it because it has somehow lost its meaning or we just haven’t had the right person “stir the fire” within us. But I dare say you’re one of those ever-so-rare speakers who can get their message across and actually make it entertaining and relatable!! Thank you!!! Since my Youth Day back then, I have been volunteering at my parish in West Los Angeles, CA as a catechist (this is my 7th yr ^o^) and I’m beginning a Youth Group this month. I know I can’t compare to you, but I hope I can make even the smallest fraction of an impact on these adolescents as you have made in me! Thank you!

  108. Charlie Rose says:

    Thanks for another great liturgy & Mass at RE Congress. Missed you at Youth Day yet was pleased 2 hear you twice and share laughter with you. See you next Congress and will pray for you all year.

  109. David Portugal says:

    Fr. Tony,
    We were all so blessed to be in your presence this weekend at the RE Congress. LOL I was sitting directly across from all the priest and deacons at mass on Friday night and we enjoyed watching their different facial expressions during your homily! They were a little stuffy at the beginning but by the end they were all busting up! lol Thank you for telling THEM to tell US its ok to make noise at church! I really love the new website but wish you could post your schedule so us Jesus Freaks can possibly catch you again without having to wait a whole year! May God continue to bless you and all those blessed to be in your presence.
    David Portugal
    DRE St. John Vianney Goodyear AZ.

  110. fathertony says:

    Becuase my schedule is a constantly changing and EVOLVING thing, I hesitate to post it on the web. so, keep your eye and ears open and maybe you’ll hear that I am coming into your neighborhood.

    Fr. Tony

  111. Pat Garcia says:


    I was at the L.A.Congress last weekend. This is the 3rd year I have attended your workshops and Masses. They are truly the highlight of the Congress. Even though I am in the over 60 crowd I love your uplifting faith filled spirit. I am going to be 1st in line for your version of Church for Dummies. I love reading your homlies online. Your Momma really raised a special baby, you are truly a gift to the Catholic Church! I can’t wait to spread the word in my parish the about the Chicken and the eagle.

    Peace and joy
    Pat Garcia
    St John Vianney
    San Jose, Ca

  112. Diana says:

    Dear Father Tony:

    Just wanted to say thank you once again for visiting us here in Los Angeles. The teens were a little disappointed that you didn’t make it to Youth Day but those that were fortunate enough to stay the weekend were thrilled to hear/see you at Mass on Friday and hear you speak on Saturday. Your messages are so powerful and positive. We’ve been blessed to enjoy your visits here for the past several years and look forward to many more to come.

    We stocked up on your “Don’t be Stupid” bracelets and it’s been interesting to hear the teens explain what they mean. You really captured their attention.

    As for me, Friday night you said that sometimes you ask yourself, “do I really make a difference?” You do for each of the 15,000 of us that squeeze into the Arena to hear you. You remind us all of “who we belong to” and make us think twice about “being stupid.” You are so awesome and such a blessing to all of us who have had the opportunity to meet, hear, and see you. Your mama did good Father Tony. Thank you for sharing your God given talents with all of us. You are so appreciated.

    May God bless you as you continue in this amazing Ministry of yours.


  113. Vanessa says:

    Hi father tony! i saw you at Los angeles youth day and i loved every story you told! it was really great and now everywhere i go people ask me about my bracelet and i give out the website! you are totally awesome!!!(california!)

    God Bless

  114. daniel from az saint john says:

    father tony i saw u at your talk and i went to mass with u i was right in the front u looked at me a couple of times and smiled i think but ive been praying hopeing my father would stay away from drugs and stay out of trouble and it just seems like gods not listening ive prayed a long time and its like nothing is even happening i still believe but i just feel really sad and like he’s not there
    my dad even showed up for your mass i thought that was a way god was trying to show me he cared and was serious about changing but my mom told me hes back to his stuff again and i don’t live with him im actually a state away from him so i cant keep telling him to stay out of trouble i just dont know what to do so im hopeing u could tell me

    Daniel B

  115. fathertony says:


    Keep praying…..

    Like you, I know what it is like to live in a home where everything is not perfect. When I was about your age, I lived in a home with an alcoholic father. My father was always drinking. Although he was not a physically abusive drunk (he never beat us), he was always drunk and sleeping on the couch.

    I remember asking God to help him find a way to stop drinking. I prayed for many years.

    I thank God that when I was 15 years old, he gave up drinking. He has been sober for almost 29 years.

    I know that one day God will help your father also “get clean.”

    But, in the mean time, you have to find a peace for yourself.

    You cannot be your father’s parent. You also cannot be the reason why he stops. He has to choose to do it for himself.

    I will be praying for you, your family and for him.

    Hang in there!

    Fr. Tony

  116. Good morring Father Tony. I have question about the Creation story, you said the 7th day he rested, right? One of the Ten Commandment is “Keep the Lord day Holy”, which is the day that he rested and which day is the one we are to keep Holy?

  117. fathertony says:

    Excellent question…..

    First, we have to stop thinking of the Seven Days of Creation according to our Modern Calendar. Remember, God’s time and space are not limited to our time and space.

    For us, the first day of the week is Sunday. It is the day that we have set aside as the Sabbath for Christians. We honor this day because it is commonly held that Jesus rose from the Dead on Sunday Morning and thus made the day sacred fro all fo us.

    The Jewish Sabbath is set from sun down or Friday to sun down on Saturday.In thier beliefs, this is the conclusion of the week and thus would represent the 7th Day of Creation.

    As Christians, Jesus came to bring to a conlcusion all of the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures). He made everything fresh and new. Thus, celebrating the Lord’s Day on Sunday is a part of the freshness that Christ brought into the world.

    That is why we now hold Sunday as God’s day of rest.

    Fr. Tony

  118. daniel from AZ Saint John Vianney says:

    thanks ill keep praying and ill hang in there, is there a certain prayer i could say or should i just tell god what im feeling

  119. daniel B says:

    hey father tony ill keep praying and i wont give up on god or my father k thanks for praying for my father and me and my family thank u i wasnt feeling to good when i went to work i was still sad but i woke up and felt pretty good after i read what you said so will see what happens thanks

    ps i got on the computer at school and read what u said to me i got a bunch of people talking about you so god is good lol and the bobble head thing had them ballin so thanks a bunch ill keep on checking out this website out

    Daniel B St. John Vianney Goodyear AZ.

  120. Big T, Youth Minister says:

    Hey Fr. T,

    You were as awesome as ever at the LA Congress this year. One thing though, what is with the bobblehead and tony tail ? When I first heard you speak seven years ago you were so humble and now you are like a priest superstar, has fame gone to your head dude, lol. Anyhow keep up the righteous work you do, it is so needed these days with all the bad press the Catholic Church has been receiving lately, teens and adults need to hear your message. May God bless you on your journey my friend!

    Your fan, Big T

  121. fathertony says:

    Dear Big T,

    Apparently, you have been sipping on a big glass of HATER-Aide!

    Man, you need to let it go!!!!!

    Of course, I have a bobblehead! Why shouldn’t I have one?

    The last time I checked, all major athletes have bobbleheads. Even heads of big corportations have them. So, once again, why shouldn’t I have one.

    We are athletes for Chirst!

    St. Paul said, in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.”

    Thus, we who are fighting for Jesus and running the good race, are indeed athletes for the Lord. It is just natural that we should have a bobblehead to represent the fact that we are indeed winners in God’s eyes!

    As to the superstar thing, I am indeed a superstar. But, I am just a small part of the constellation that is the laborers for the Lord. (I know that you are enjoying this… My fame and notoriety points not to me but to the one who sent me – Jesus Christ, Superstar.

    So, if I can be a superstar athlete for the Lord, then so be it.

    Anything that I can do to bring our kids and their parents to the Lord, I am willing to do!

    But, what I need is for folks to stop drinking all that HATER-aide and check out my game plan.

    Just think, maybe one day, you, too, can be a SUPERSTAR, too!

    Fr. Tony

    Well, anyway, thanks for giving me a chance to explain the bobblehead to all of my critics. Most of them are drunk on HATER-aide!

    (PS: Like posters and other tools for evangelization, the bobblehead invites folks to visit my website and see the messages that Chirst has sent me to bring. Also, on the back of the bobblehead, it says, “Don’t Be Stupid.” That’s one of the messages that I bring to our kids on a regular basis.)

  122. mari says:

    I was reading some of the e-mails people write to you and all of your responses.
    I can feel the love people have for you. And the beatiful ministry you are doing, you have a great responsability! I will keep on praying for you to God continue using you to touch the many lifes of the many that are seeking God’s love, peace and answers.
    Peace and Love in God.

  123. marthatherese says:

    Hi Fr Tony,

    What a faith-filled homily at LA Religious Congress this past weekend~”Don’t be stupid”! I laughed and cried at the same time. Oh, it has been such a long time that I was touched by God through his wonderful made creature. Thanks for sharing your love for the Lord through your ministry.

    Pauline Year is just around the corner…do you have any plan? Please post.

    Continued blesssings on your Lenten journey,
    marthatherese 🙂

  124. fathertony says:

    The Year of St. Paul is almost here…..

    Back in 2007, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed a year dedicated to St Paul. The Pauline year will run from June 29, 2008, to June 29, 2009, to mark the approximately 2,000th anniversary of the saint’s birth.

    Although the exact date and year of St. Paul’s birth is unknown, most place it between the years 5 AD and 10 AD.

    At my parish, we have not yet decided what we might do to celebrate the year.

    I am thinking about having a special Bible Study series that is dedicated to each of Paul’s letters. Evangelization should also be a big part of the year.

    The one thing that I am not planning to s do is to get on a boat and reenact Paul’s shipwreck!

    Have a blessed day!

    Fr. Tony

  125. Gary Ingegniero says:

    getting married Friday April 11, 6:15pm on stage at French Quarter Fest.
    Would you please join us…. to join us?

  126. fathertony says:


    Thank you for the invitation to be at your wedding.

    However, church guidelines would not allow me to be present and to actually participate in the celebration as you have planned it.

    In the Archdiocese of New Orleans, we require six months of preparation time (Pre-Cana). Also, we are not permitted to celebrate weddings outside of a church, chapel or oratory.

    Fr. Tony

  127. DANIEL B says:



    St. John Vianney Goodyear AZ.

  128. fathertony says:


    I am so glad that you are able to turn to your Youth Group and friends for support. Another great group that you can turn to for prayer and support is the Communion of Saints.

    St. Matthias and St. Monica are the Patron Saints for “alcoholics.” St. Maximilian Kolbe is the Patron Saint for “drug addicts.”

    Ask each of them to help your father find his pathway to freedom and out of the slavery that drugs can cause.

    Keep the Faith!

    Fr. Tony

  129. victor says:

    fr tony…i was in pacoima ca when u spoke at Mary Immaculate…i was just wondering when is the next time You were going 2 be in pacoima again…?…U were very funny thanks for being there…

  130. Yolanda says:

    Fr. Tony,
    I was at the Los Angeles convention center this past weekend and had the wonderful opportunity to attend your workshop & mass. I teach Sunday school to 7th graders and would really like for them to listen to the “eagle story.” The creation story can be found on youtube, but will you be posting the eagle story on youtube? No one can tell the story as fun and animated as you do.

    Love and Peace,
    Yolanda E.

  131. fathertony says:

    The Eagle Story is available on DVD #1 in my online store.


  132. pauline says:

    Fr. Tony,

    Greetings to you~

    Thanks for an inspirational homily at LA Religious Education Congress. I was disappointed that it didn’t record…but I live.

    Please do the Pauline Study series for Pauline Year. I would be the first to support you anyway I can…prayer (100%)…commiment (100%)…evangelization (100%)…$$$ (fundraising campaigns–we can talk). Can you tell I love St Paul and the Pauline Spirit? Let me know~

    United in the Apostle,

  133. Loreili B says:

    Hello Fr. Tony,

    Just wanted to drop you a note to say HELLO! My husband and I attended the ReCongress in Los Angeles this year. We attended your workshop. We also were at the mass you celebrated, and wanted to let you know that we truly enjoyed your workshop and the mass. You have a true gift to speak God’s word. We heard you speak back in 2004 , and we enjoyed you then too. You inspire and touch our hearts, and thus we feel closer to God. Thank you for all you do!
    Oh, we did purchase your bobblehead, and several braclets, and your cd. We now, have you at home with us.
    Please let me know if you will be in the SF Bay Area anytime soon.

    In Christ’s Peace,

  134. fathertony says:

    Thanks for the love!

    Stay tuned, I am coming to do a one night, youth event at St. Charles in San Carlos, CA on December 1.

    Fr. Tony

  135. Mary says:

    Fr. Tony,

    I met you at the National Catholic Youth Conference. What an awesome event. You are brilliant with the youth.

    I have a request. One of my friends is traveling to New Orleans with family and friends. They want to spend the day volunteering. I don’t know when they are coming but I thought of you and your ministry. Any ideas?

    Mary McCord

  136. fathertony says:

    When are they coming to New Orleans? How many folks are coming?

    We can always find something for them to do. We are working on cleaning and restoring our School Building. So, we have a lot that needs to be done.

    Fr. Tony

  137. jesse says:

    hey father tony its worm head from estl
    how it goin i want to tell you thanks
    for the cross,bobble head,braclet,and book.

    p.s. Did you get a new chain

  138. fathertony says:

    Hey Jesse,

    I really enjoyed being with you guys in East St. Louis. I even liked you “twisted hair” (even though it looks like a cup of worms just broke loose on your head). I hope that you are doing well.

    Keep up the good work and NEVER stop dancing for the Lord!

    Fr. Tony

  139. Maureen Nokes says:

    Fr. Tony, I was very fortunate to see you at NCYC this past year. I am the DRE and Youth Minister for St. Gregory, the smallest parish in the Diocese of Nashville. I have a total of 15 children, ages 5-16 in Religious education. I am planning to have my Confirmation retreat with 7 students and the 2 students who attended NCYC have begged me to purchase your DVD’s so we can share your ministry with others. Being so small and very rural not sure if my other students will ever get the opportunity to see you, I hope the Lord will work it out for them. But in the meantime we will watch your DVD’s and I am sure they will enjoy listening to you. Thanks so much for your inspiration and your love of youth.

  140. Merlita Eyssallenne says:

    Hello Fr. Tony,
    I was in your workshop in 2007 and 2008 in Religious Education Congress in Anahiem California. I just love love love your speach. I am just wondering, if you can please give me a list of your books and where can I buy them? I didn’t have a change to buy one of your books when you were in California. And please, can you sign it before sending to me?

    Thank you,

  141. fathertony says:


    My two books are available my website. I always sign the books that are order on the site. They are actuall shipped out of my rectory.

    Thanskf or the love and support of my ministries.

    Fr. Tony

  142. sheldon says:

    hey fr. tony iwas at 1 of your masses it was the best u remind me of my grandfather that passed away he was a great man like u i have a funny joke email me and i will send it 2 u

    p.s my email is

  143. Denzel Millon says:

    Hi Fr. Tony How Are You,,

    i have one question for you..

    why are you like the best priest ever??

  144. fathertony says:


    We both know why I am one of the best priests ever…..

    Because I’m Good! (LOL) 🙂

    But, of course, you are good, too.

    Thanks for being one of the Best Youth, ever!

    (You ever thought about becoming a cool priest?
    The Church sure could use another great priest like me!)

  145. Debbie Escalera says:

    Fr. Tony,
    Have you heard of this program? I am a teacher myself and know that we need ore male teachers like you. The program is called

    The ‘Call Me MISTER’ program is an effort to address the critical shortage
    of African American male teachers particularly among South Carolina ‘s
    lowest performing public schools. Program participants are selected from
    among under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally
    at-risk communities.
    The program is a collaboration between Clemson University and four
    historically black colleges in South Carolina : Benedict College, Claflin
    University, Morris College and South Carolina State University.

    The project provides:
    Tuition for admitted students pursuing approved programs of study at participating colleges.
    An academic support system to help assure their success.
    A cohort system for social and cultural support.
    Visit :
    for more details and the online application or call (800) 640-2657.

    When I read this e-mail I thought of you!

    P.S. Saw you at L.A. CA Religion Education Congress and you were great as usual. Keep up the great work.

    Baldwin Park, CA

  146. fathertony says:


    I have indeed heard of this program. I hope that many of our Brothers will take advantage of this opportunity to become teachers. I know that our kids could use some strong Black men as teachers.

    I will pass the information along to guys who just might become great teachers.

    Fr. Tony

  147. Chrissy says:

    Hey Father Tony. My english teacher asked me this today. When you go to confession, if someone confesses murder or something really bad like that can the priest tell the police or not? I didn’t think so but I’m not sure.

  148. fathertony says:


    I am glad that you guys are talking religion in your English class.

    Even if someone confesses to me the most heinous crime that you can imagine, I cannot call the police or speak about it to anyone.

    In fact, if you come to me for the Sacrament of Peneance, I cannot even talk to you about what you confess. I can only speak about it with you if you speak to me about it outside of the Sacrament.

    The Seal of the Confessional (secrecy) is one of the most sacred elements of our faith. (And, it is protected by law)

    Fr. Tony

  149. jesse says:

    HEY, Father Tony

    Will you be attending the James P. Lyke confrence this year i wil be the only boy in my group dancing this year let me know

  150. fathertony says:


    I will definitely be attending the Lyke Conference. In fact, I am the Keynote Speaker on the opening night. So, I will definitely see you there.

    You ought to know that we have boys who dance in our Church, too. So, you will definitely not be the only Boy dancer at the conference.

    See ya in July!

    Fr. Tony

  151. Renee says:

    Hey Fr. Tony,
    Still making an impression on our kids from November’s Youth Rally here in Hawaii. I recently sent you some pics, hope you ge them, it was an awesome day and the spirit was extemely present in our teens.

    Coming to Hawaii again? We are about to have a vicariate Youth Day in two weeks. Do you have a favorite scripture that our teens can grab on to that you could recommend? Something would be on their souvenir keepsake of the day.

    Aloha, Renee

  152. fathertony says:

    I really love coming over to Hawaii. As beautiful as the Ilands are, the people are even more beautiful. That’s why I call Hawaii, my Paradise Home.

    I am not scheduled to be there anytime soon. But, I know that I’ll be back in te future.

    As to a Scripture Passage foe the Youth, “The Call of Jeremiah” is awesome. Jeremiah 1:4-10.

    God’s basic instructions to Jerry is simply, “Say not, “I am too young!'”

    Have a great event!

    Fr. Tony

  153. Daniel Green says:

    Do you know any seminarians? Are they happy people? Who do I talk to if I want to enter the seminary?

  154. fathertony says:

    Daniel Howard Green,

    Excellent question.

    I know a lot of seminarians and almost all of the seem to be extremely happy with what they are doing.

    Seminary life is like going away to God’s School. You live on campus and attend classes – just like at other colleges. But, the difference is, as you study, you are also focusing on whether or not God is calling you to be a priest.

    Although we are still hearing about a priest shortage, beilieve it or not, the number of seminarians is on the rise. More and more young men are seriously thinking about becoming priests.

    I encourage any person who is thinking about it to contact their local pastor or vocation director . You can also contact your Bishop, directly!

    Thanks for thinking about the priesthood. I know that you would be an exceptional priest one day!

    Fr. Tony

  155. Sue from SLO says:

    Dear Father Tony:

    I attended the LA Congress in March and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I brought back your words and enthusiasm to my 10 year old son (and a pencil for class … which I believe was borrowed by a fellow student who enjoyed it as well). Anyway, I was wondering if you have ever traveled to the Central Coast of California (San Luis Obispo to be precise) or if you have any plans to soon? I would love to share you with our community!

  156. fathertony says:


    Although I have been in many parts of California, I have not travelled to the Central Coast, as of yet. The closest that I get to you is Santa Paula. (My aunt and cousins live there.)

    I hope to maybe visit your area in the future. So, pass the word on to your Pastor to invite me to come over and do something for you guys.

    Fr. Tony

  157. Terri says:

    Hi Father Tony,
    I saw you in LA at the LA Congress back in February. I emailed you to find out if and when you might be coming to the San Francisco Bay Area. Can you check your calendar? I would hate to miss you. Again I thank you for your love to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. You are very inspiring. God Bless you and I await your response!
    Peace Father Tony! 🙂

  158. fathertony says:

    I am definitely coming to the Bay Area for a one-night Youth Celebration.

    On December 1, 2008, I will be preaching at St. Charles Parish in San Carlos, CA.

    It is being coordinated by
    Tami Palladino
    St. Charles Youth Ministry

    I hope to see you there.

    Fr. Tony

  159. Laura says:

    if god made us to find him and worship him and serve him isnt that pride? which would make him a sinner? i mean not that we shouldnt do that but its just what comes to my mind when i hear that.

  160. Justin Hudec says:

    Hey Father T,

    I’ve had two great opportunitis to celebrate Mass with you at the Anaheim Congress in the last few years. I’m sure you hear this all of the time, but I wanted to submit my own thanks and affirm that God truly does speak through you and directly to the hearts of the congregation. I was just recently at this last Congress in Feb 2008 and I consistently still talk about holding onto our “mountaintops”, as well as being completely full of confidence through faith in Christ so much so that we should own any room we enter. As a student of theatre and a general ham for attention, it was both comical and calming for me.

    I would love more opportunities to see you and to bring friends who are recently exploring the Catholic faith, but I can’t seem to find a schedule of events anywhere on your webpage. Do you have a page that lists the places you’ll be in the future? Or, can you tell me if you plan on being in the Portland, OR area anytime soon?

    Thank you, and God continue to bless,
    Justin Hudec

  161. Dad says:

    my oldest son seems to have made some bad choices and we are trying to keep him out of trouble by monitoring most of what he is doing. he sees it as an invasion of his life and us trying to control him and he can’t wait to turn 18. he has been a model kid until this last year. He broke up with his girlfriend and has been spiralling since. we suspect drugs. he knows that i did drugs when i was his age and asks “why not, when you turned out ok?” we are ready to put him in treatment but see all the hard work of previous years in school down the toilet if he looses the schooling. please help!

  162. Amanda says:

    Fr. Tony,
    My father passed away last year from pancreatic cancer. I cared for him at the end and witnessed the horrible pain, agony and fear he experienced. Little did I know, I was pregnant with my son at the time.

    My son is now 4 months old, and we are preparing for his baptism. Our priest reminded us that it wasn’t just my husband and I who made this bundle of joy…but it was God. I was wondering…If God can bring so much joy into my life, how can he allow the pain and suffering of a truly good and kind soul, such as my dad. I know this may sound juvenile, but I struggle with this daily.

    Thanks Father Tony.

  163. Mariah says:

    Hey Father Tony. Some where in christmas time you went to Tucson,Az ant the convention center. And i had the best time of my life. Though i was wondering when you will come back?

  164. Mariah says:

    It’s me again! And also maybe you can come preach in Sierra Vista Az. My teacher went to that confrence in california and she got a cd of when they recorded your voice up there on stage. And she made me a copy and i listen to that cd over and over again. Do you have any other cds that you have. Your Cds are so good that you can put them out in stores.

  165. Nickole Hidalgo says:

    Dear father Tony,
    I saw your presentation at St. Ritas one year for my confirmation class, and i must say you are absolutely amazing! I paid attention to everything, when usually i just sit there, bored. I don’t go to St. Ritas, the only reason why i went there is to complete the confirmation classes, I go to Our Lady Queen of the Apostles in Royal Palm Beach, and i was wondering if you’re going to be coming somewhere around the West Palm Beach area this year, i would love to tell the life teen coordinator to take us to see you, the Teens will truly love your presentation.

    God Bless You
    -Nickole Hidalgo

  166. Elvira says:

    Hi father Tony! you came to my school in January ( Jean Vanier catolic in Canada) and i was wondering 2 things:
    1. When will you come again to the Sherwood Park / Edmonto Area?

    2. Do you make up the jokes yourself? Or do you have writers do it for you?

    Thanks YOU ROCK!

  167. Tomas says:

    Hi Father!
    I was i freshman student in your Religion 1 class at St.Augustin in 04-05 . You had took pictures of class, i was wondering do you still have that photo of me? and can you email it to me if so.

  168. Southern Man says:

    Dear Mr. Ricard,

    I am writing you because of the comment you made on NOLA . Basically, I agree with you in questioning how young men could do such an uncontionable thing to their peers or fraternity brothers. I was a Catholic once at St. Stanislaus and Holy Cross and I think that I can answer your question.

    You state : “Back in elementary school, I learned that a mortal sin occurs when you know exactly what you are doing is wrong and you do it deliberately.” Then you ask
    ” At what phase in life have these particular criminals missed learning about mortal sin?”

    I submit to you that they are a product of their upbringing and their parent’s values. They never have learned about sin because it has to be learned on a “spiritual level” and these young hoodlums are carnal or materialistic. Morals and absolutes were never something that I learned from “religion” but from God almighty and His word. Only when our society puts God back in the schools and kicks the devil and his minions out, will we EVER see peace. NO JESUS, NO PEACE. KNOW JESUS, KNOW PEACE. It realy is simple but sometimes it takes drastic measures to wake up the sheeple. Are you kidding ? They are geting ready for the Anti-Christ. hey are not concerned with civility.

    Even so, come Lord Jesus quickly.

  169. Maria says:

    Father Tony,
    I saw you at Abby Fest a couple of years ago and was wondering if you would be in Tennessee anytime this year? I am anxious for my children to see your message. God bless~ Thanks!

  170. Cindy Rubalcava says:

    Father Tony, any chance of you putting together a pilgrimage in the near future?

  171. Steve says:

    Father Tony, I just purchased one of your bobble heads. Problem is, the rat tail broke off when one of my coworkers bobbled it too hard. Any recommendations on the best way to reattach it?

  172. Debra Kruger says:

    Hi Fr. Tony,
    I recently took part in the SPICE conference in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada where you were the Keynote speaker.
    What a tremendous conference to grow my faith!
    I enjoyed your stories, experiences and how much you related everything in life back to somewhere in scripture.
    I very much enjoyed your homily on the Sunday and wondered if you have posted it somewhere yet – about “Ain’t nobody praying” – a very old and touching story.
    I would love to relay that message to coworkers.
    Thanks, Debra

  173. Carolyn Ferroni says:

    Fr. Tony,
    We want you to come here and speak at our Diocesan wide XLT (adoration, talk, prayer and worship) in Columbus Ohio. We all heard you at NCYC and loved you.
    When is the next month you are available on a Wednesday or Sunday night?
    IN Jesus,

  174. Wayne Foster says:

    URGENT Father Tony. This is Wayne. You gave me a boble head figure of youeself, at Aunt rit’s furneral. Lois said that your uncle is the achbishop out here where we live in florida. Me and Lois. She said your uncle might know someone out here who can help me find a lob. I’ve been serching and cannot find work to support my family. Things are getting really bad. Can you please ask your uncle if he knows anyone who can help me. Thanks, Wayne and Lois Foster.


  175. Renee says:

    Hi Father Tony, Hope you got the pics from our Hawaii Youth Rally! We are putting together a post-confirmation program for our teens and young adults, any shnazzy names you can suggest for us? It will be for kids between 15-mid 20’s who will be meeting on Sunday evenings. Let me know what you think!

  176. all4gzus says:

    Hi Father Tony,

    Peace to you. Can you tell me when you might possibly be coming to New York…specifically, Long Island. We would love to have you out here. You were deffinately laying it down for the Lord @ ncyc.

  177. Cynthia A Carter says:

    Just wanted to let you know that you are missed. Unfortunately I was not able to return to New Orleans after Katrina. What I miss the most is mass on Sunday at our Lady Star of the Sea. Thank you for being there and for still being there to help those who are still there. Wishing that I may have the opportunity to see you again and hear your words of wisdom. Stay strong you are always in my prayers.. Keep showing our youngsters the right way. Hope your family is fine. C. Carter now residing in Flint, MI but my heart will always be in New Orleans, the 8th ward, and Our Lady Star of the Sea.

  178. Kade Turner says:

    Hi father it is me Kade from Camp Pelican and I was wondring are you and Ms. Cathy going to the pelicanpalooza. Imiss you very much.


  179. Becky Peters says:

    Hi Father Tony, I saw you at NCYC and thought you were amazing! Your speech and presentation were definitely one of the highlights for me! Do you know if you will be at NCYC 2009?

  180. Chris Kuly says:

    Hello Father Tony

    I spoke to you at the SPICE conference in Kananaskis in Canada in April about using one of your audio visual presentations to present to my students at school in the fall of this year as we as a school are looking for a great service project. I have spoken with my principal and she agrees that this would be a wonderful way to kickstart the year. I would appreciate if you could possibly send some sort of presentation to me through email so that we can do some fund raising which would be sent directly to your parish (you will have to give me an address) so that we can help families in your parish community directly. My students could also send letters and pictures to share with these families and perhaps build some relationships with others from far away. Please let me know if we can help and we will certainly work on it. Thanks again for your enthusiasm and your commitment to your vocation. I hope to hear you speak when you come to visit our Notre Dame High School in Red Deer Alberta in the fall. I pray that your speech will move my 16 year old son into attending church more often. Thanks again.

    God Bless


  181. Kevin says:

    Father Tony,
    I have had the pleasure of hearing you in Windsor, in Toronto WFMP and in Brantford at the school I teach at. I have to let you know though that Canada is not always that cold. Do you have anymore Canadian dates or are any more DVDs going to be released?

    Thank for all that you do in your ministry!

  182. Lisa says:

    Hello, my name is Lisa and I understand you will be our guest speaker for the Faith Day held in our board in Sept. I wanted you to know that I will be praying for you as you prepare to meet us……may God Bless and I look foward to our meeting…God willing of course…..

  183. Olivia says:


  184. David Barker says:

    DUDE!!! Fr. tony your so cool i was at dcyc and you are one of the coolest priest i know thank you so much for being there with us and sharing your life with us. You are a true vision of what a 21st- cantury saint would be like thank you so much for all you did for all the people at the fort worth DCYC 2008. peace be with you forever.


  185. Gabriela says:

    Father Tony,

    I just arrived home from DCYC in the Dallas, Ft. Worth area where you just spoke. Words can’t describe how much your words truly touched me. Your mass this morning completely change my views on life in the most positive way imaginable. I would like to thank you for taking time out of what I am sure is a very busy schedule to touch the many hearts you did in Texas. Thank you for impacting my life and I will always pray for the success of your church, and your well being. Thank you and I plan on spreading my eagle wings :).

    DFW Texas

  186. taylor says:

    hey father tony,

    you are the ABSOLUTE best! I was at the DCYC at the hyatt hotel in dfw texas. your stories were very funny and taught a lesson:) i just wanted to say thank you for all you do.


  187. Lauren says:

    Dear Father Tony,

    You were amazing at our Fort Worth DCYC. Our kids (as well as the chaperones) will be talking about your presentations and mass for a long time. We would love for you to visit our parish but we live in an old-fashioned town with an old-fashioned older parish population who would freak out….but wouldn’t it be fun to see the looks on their faces!

    Maybe our town/church will be ready for you some day….

    BTW, you are already a Saint in my book.

    Peace be with you,

  188. Adriana says:

    Hi Fr. Tony. was wondering where I could get one of those bobble heads of yours. I took a picture with you on my camera phone on Sunday at the Hyatt in DFW … but then again so did alot of other girls. Well just wanted to say thank you for going u really grabed my attention and i gotz to say u wuz might funny! 🙂

    hope to see you again,


  189. Andrea says:

    Father Tony,
    I loved you at dcyc at the hyatt hotel!! You arre a very good priest and your the best one ive seen yet! God gave you a wonderful gift to have and its probably the would you be coming next year for dcyc again?? I really hope so because i want to get a good seat to see you!!

  190. Andrea says:

    Father Tony,
    I love your bobble heads!!! would you be coming to the next dcyc??

  191. Alina Salazar says:

    Omg u are so GREAT!!! u are the coolest person i no!
    u were great at DCYC!!! hope u could come aain next year
    we all loved u!
    well i have to go take care
    oh yeah remember “DON’T BE STUPIED’…..


  192. Carole says:

    Hi Father Tony!

    My son attended DCYC at the DFW Hyatt this past weekend, and my daughter, 11 years old, and I attended Mass. I cannot thank you enough for the inspiration and faith you gave to my son. He’s in that tough 16 year of his life, and I thank God for you and your great messages. We haven’t stopped talking about eagle who figured out he wasn’t a chicken! Thank you again…….


    P.S. Father Tony, can you please recommend scripture passages that will help me through a very difficult time I’m having with my employer? I’m searching for new employment, but it’s very slowing, and I’m having a really tough time handling it. Thank you and God bless, Father.

  193. Brittany says:

    OMG !!!
    Father Tony you are the funniest priest I have ever met. I am so glad that you were able to go to DCYC this past weekend. It was the best DCYC that I have ever been to. I wish you could be the priest at my parish. Thanks for taking time to spend with us at DCYC. “Don’t be stupid” will always stay with me.
    ~*Brittany*~ 😉

  194. Katherine Breen says:

    Fr. Tony,

    What a wonderful weekend you spent with us here during DCYC! Our youth are still talking about you and how much fun your parish must be. I have been truly blessed to have been able to hear your love for our Lord and your passionate belief in Him. You spread His Word with great joy and love. Please keep your parish and ministry strong and I will continue to pray for you!

    In Christ’s Love, Miss Breen

  195. Anthony Flores says:

    Hi Father Tony, I was at the DCYC conference in Dallas this weekend as a Chaperone and just wanted to say your talks were awesome and Mass was great. Look foward to hearing you speak again. Also I will be buying the 4DVD set which “anyone can get on Father Tony store on his site for a great price” had to give you a little shout there Father. I am going to buy this and show it to my 11th graders that I teach.
    Again Thank you for a wonderful weekend at DCYC in Dallas, Texas

  196. Brittany says:

    Father Tony,
    I was wondering if you could say mass for Nolan Catholic High School in Fort Worth Texas when school starts back. I think that the students at Nolan would really enjoy your jokes and especially the creation story. “BOOM!” 🙂 It would be really great if you could come. I really enjoyed your mass for DCYC. Please consider my thought.
    ~*Brittany*~ 😉

  197. Kathy Taylor Dejoie says:

    Hey Father Tony –
    My mom, your Aunt Jackie, said that Sunday, June 28th, 2008’s homily spoke to her directly, and was the best she’s heard to date. When will it be available online? I’d like to print it out and fax it to her.

  198. Jarred Honora says:

    Where is my bobble head? I need some glasses.

  199. hey father tony its me who accidentlly told you about your card on our trip to the lyke confreance Love, person who loves you most Jacquelle P.S you look great in all of your pictures email me back

  200. Frankie Ricotta says:

    Hello Father Tony,
    I am from Colorado, and i was wondering if you have ever traveled there?

    I was also wondering if you would ever consider coming down and giving a talk at one of our churches in the Diocese of Colorado Springs, but the thing is we dont have a lot of money so we cant ever afford to have speakers. And i was at NCYC in 2007 and i remember when you spoke and it would just be amazing if you could speak to the people here because there isnt a lot that ever goes on here.
    May God bless you!

  201. HEy, fahter T!
    ok i want to put on a showcasse/fasshion show to help the up and comming talented kis of neworleans be seen! and i wanted all money rasied to be donated to a charity.but i have two problems 1 i have no sponsors and the other no charity!
    can yew HELP ME PLEASE!

    thank yew father T!

  202. Tara says:

    Hi Father Tony,
    I attended DCYC in the DFW area in June and wanted to let you know the lasting impact your homilies and keynotes left on me. My dad works in the New Orleans area, and I visit at least once or twice a month, so I have been able to see firsthand so much of the damage left behind by Katrina. Not having had to actually experience the hurricane myself, I cannot say I understand what everyone has experienced, but I do want to say that I admire both your and your parishioners’ faith in their ability to save Our Lady Star of the Sea. Thank you for inspiring me and so many other youth to embrace the Catholic faith.
    “BOOM!”…..and I promise not to be stupid.

  203. Tammy Weaver says:

    Hi Father Tony,

    Elgin and I saw “The Retelling of the Creation Story” on your Purple Pride page. No one can do it like you. As always you never seem to amaze me. Everytime we are in NO visiting family it is a must for us to attend our church for Sunday service. I wish your services would be broadcast live so that we can watch it from Houston. Thanks for being such a great teacher of the word. You make it so interesting that we can never get enough.

    By the way, I will put the story on my high school page so that everyone can get a taste of some good old fashion preaching!!!

    Love Ya!!
    The Weaver Family (Forever New Orleans natives)

  204. Samantha Kelly of Holy Name of Jesus says:

    Fr. Tony,
    I have several issues to inform you of:
    1) Please tell Mr. Reginald Alfred “Reggie” Bush II that I no longer have a crush on him.
    2) My grandmother officially stated that she will only go to church if Fr. Tony and/ or Fr. John is the celebrant for the Mass.
    3) Maria dropped your bobble head in the office…did you feel the pain?
    4) I will be 3 hours and 17 minutes (driving) away from your church on the Naval Base in Pensacola, FL. I will visit when I can take a leave.

    Southern Cali misses you!!!

  205. Betty Vanek says:

    Hi Father Tony,
    I hope you are all safely in FL at this point in time. Are you speaking at the RE Congress in Los Angeles in 2009? If not, will you be in Los Angeles at any other time in 2008 or 2009? Best of luck, and continue to do God’s work with the joy in your heart and soul.


  206. Larysa says:

    Dear Father Tony,
    I saw you at a teacher’s conference in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada last spring. I just wanted to say that it was wonderful to have met you and your talks gave me great inspiration to continue to have faith and keep teaching even though, at times I question why I am doing the work that I do.
    I wanted to let you know that I said a little prayer for you and your parish in New Orleans during hurricane Gustav. I have to admit I didn’t know much about New Orleans until you came to visit us in Alberta. I am glad that so far it looks like New Orleans was not as badly damaged in this hurricane. I hope your parish is thriving and well, and that you can continue doing the work you do for your community.
    I also hope you can continue giving talks at teacher’s conferences!
    All the best, and God Bless!
    Larysa Eliuk.
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

  207. Diana says:

    Dear Father Tony and Brothers & Sisters in New Orleans: Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many here in California. We had just returned home from our SCRC Conference in Anaheim to hear that New Orleans had been evacuated due to Hurricane Gustav. I remember the video footage that Father Tony shared with us after Hurricane Katrina and the devastating affects. Our prayer is that it wouldn’t happen again. So far, it looks like Gustav wasn’t as brutal, but they say that it takes a few days to really determine the damage. Our prayers are for you, your families and your Church. May the good Lord protect and bless you all.

    With prayers and love,


  208. bree anna says:

    hey i heard u where coming to shs on thursday so we are doing a report on u that is so cool uhm did ur church come down with this hurracaine? see u in two days bye ill talk to u on thursday sept 11/08

  209. hi father tony my name is zared of sacred heart school are you coming to are school? remember to look for zared saddleback

  210. Kayla Moosewah says:

    Hi Father Tony.
    I’m am writing you on September 9th. I saw your presentation on how the world was created at St. Dominic High School in Alberta Canada. It was great. My favorite part was the (Boom). I luaghed my but off. Your really great at telling stories. The way you tell a story is fun and entertaining. I really thought the advertisment at the end for your Bobble heads was a great way to end it.

    The question I have for you is what is it like to attend your sunday morning service? What I’m asking is it all fun and games? Do you persent it like you would do a retreat?

    Thank-you for coming to our school and being a great person who delivered God’s message in a way teenagers would understand. I had a blast

    ❤ kayla

  211. Ty says:


    When you were at notre dame, we all thought you were awesome!
    hope to see you agin!

    TY 😀

  212. zack says:

    so your coming to my scool tommorow eh sacred heart huh well see you then peace dude bro!

  213. Kris Andaya says:

    Dear Father Tony,
    Im John Kristopher Andaya from Ecole Secondaire Notre Dame High School in Red Deer Alberta Canada. I totally love you preaching today. I am one of the students there and Im in grade 11. I think you have really opened a lot of our hearts to let God and one another in. Your preacher was hysterical. My friends and I couldn’t stop talking about your joke. Through the hurricane Katrina, God had changed your life and by preaching to us you have changed ours to. Thanks for taking the time to come to our school, even you are getting paid for it. lol I was wondering if the staff at school is selling your bubble heads, I didn’t see any bubble heads there today.

  214. Anonymous says:

    Hey Father Tony!
    Today you preached at Notre Dame High School in Red Deer, Alberta.
    Of course when the announcement was made, everyone was moaning and groaning, you know, the typical “UGH ANOTHER MASS?!??!”
    But by the end, everyone had a smile on their face, and your mass was the talk of the day! Everyone in the hallways was saying “It’s a miracle, I actually ENJOYED MASS!” and “That was awesome!”
    Others loved it too until you talked about “burning in hell”.
    You really scared some people, many misunderstood you and believed that they were going to “burn in hell” from a mortal sin they may have made. You did state it, but very briefly, I believe you need to explain more that they CAN ask God for forgiveness, a lot of people missed that part.

    Great presentation though! I’ve never met a Priest that could talk to teenagers in such a modern way! It’s great to actually have someone who understands the teenage life talk to us, rather than adults telling us we have to live this way or that, and creating a stereotype about us.

    Keep it up, and there definetly will be a “Gospel of Tony Ricard”
    Thanks for preaching to us, I can’t wait to see you preach again!

  215. Dean says:

    Great speach at notre dame reddeer. it was fun and moving. Are you coming back?

  216. Bob says:

    Great speech at Notre Dame High School red deer ab!!! Are you coming back???

  217. Thank you very much for the cross.Believe it or not I just moved here from jamaica , 2months ago.
    We were also affected by hurricane Katrina&hurricane Ike but it was not nearly as bad as new orleans.Thanks again,you are one of the coolest and funniest adults ive ever met.

  218. Jared says:

    Thanks alot for coming to Red Deer man!
    We really enjoyed you at Notre Dame.

    We are all still laughing really hard!
    Thank you for the renforcment of our catholic community.
    Thank you for sharing your gift of humor, and relating to young folks so well.

    You left a big footprint on our school and staff.

    Thank you Father Tony

    Don’t be stupid

  219. bree-anna says:

    hey thank u for coming to our school and the madal hope to see you again some time pretty funny and i tell my family some of ur jokes and yhey wont stop laughting. tell pepper i ssay hi.

    ur friend from cold cold wetaskiwin alberta(sacred heart school)

    Bree-anna gwynn

  220. brittany says:

    Hey Father Tony. My family goes to church and all, but I find it really hard to concentrate. I get bored and usually pay no attention at all. I know I should, but its hard to understand our priest, and usually the homilies seem endless. Yah, theres the occasional funny or interesting one, but mosly its like blah blah blah. How do I get myself interested in the homilies?

  221. Carmen Greer says:

    September 14, 2008

    Dear Father Tony, are you okay? I’m very dissapointed that you won’t be in LA Congress I alway take one of your classes. I was worried that your mama is doing okay? Why won’t you be in LA Congress

  222. Siera says:

    Hey!!! It’s the girl from Sacred Heart Wetaskiwin. I just wanted to tell you that you made a huge impact on our school! Everyone seems to be closer to God! Also thank you for our Sacred Heart Prayer.


  223. Caitlin says:

    I really enjoyed your talk with Sacred Heart Junior High in Wetaskiwin. You were very inspirational and i hope you come again to talk to other classes. Thank-you! Bye!


  224. gooooooooooooooogle says:

    did gustave do alot of damage.

  225. Josh says:

    Dear Father Tony,

    How did you keep your hopes so high when the two hurricanes past through, and I hope you come back to Canada soon.


  226. Siera says:

    Hey Father.
    I was just wondering, did you ever go to O.L.P.H in Sherrwood Park Alberta? Just wanted to know, P.S: I’m buying a bobble head… lol!

  227. Siera says:

    Oh ya, I wanted to ask how often do you respond to these messages?

  228. Caitlin says:

    Hello again. I just wanted to leave a really random comment because im really random person. I hope you will reply to my comments even though im leaving to go to Rome on Monday, but I can still get it. I can’t wait to go to Rome. Have you ever been to Rome???? I fyou have you should tell me all the things you asw. And if you did go to rome can you tell me if met the Pope. I get to meet the pope when im there and I can’t wait!!! So I’ll talk to you later… hopefully. BYE!!!!!


  229. Annette Amparano says:

    That is so very sad to hear that you will not be at Anaheim Congress 2009 it’s one of the reason why our church group attends. Blessings. Annette Amparano. Parish Admin. St. Agnes Mission Church – Fresno Ca.

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